Energy-saving environmental protection "cake" to make the LED lighting market want to give birth

On September 8, the State Council held an executive meeting and reviewed and approved in principle the Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries (hereinafter referred to as the “Decision”). It was determined that strategic emerging industries will become the leading industry of China’s national economy. And pillar industries.

At this stage, the seven industries of energy conservation and environmental protection, new generation of information technology, biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, and new energy vehicles will be fostered and accelerated. The "Decision" proposes to increase financial and taxation financial support policies for the seven major industries, guide and encourage social capital investment, and set up special funds for strategic emerging industry development.

Among them, the energy conservation and environmental protection industry has been listed as an important target for cultivation and is divided into six major categories: energy-saving power electronic equipment, low-carbon emission reduction companies (CDM), power plant desulfurization, energy-saving building materials, sewage treatment and solid waste treatment, and semiconductor lighting. industry. Listed companies in related fields, such as Credit Electric, Dongyuan Electric, XJ Electric; Juhua, San Aifu, Tianfu Thermal Power; Feida Environmental Protection, Longjing Environmental Protection, Kaidi Power; Shuangliang, Yantai Wanhua, Beixin Building materials; co-plus resources, entrepreneurial environmental protection, and the first shares; Ganzhao Optoelectronics, Silan Microelectronics, Sanan Optoelectronics and other Qi Yingli good.

Up till now, circulation associations in the six major industries have issued or prepared relevant rules and regulations to guide the upgrading of related industries.

The China Building Materials Distribution Association recently released a roadmap for China's low-carbon building materials development roadmap, with a view to guiding the entire industry to the development of low-carbon building materials. At the same time, Wu Ling, Secretary General of the National Semiconductor Lighting Engineering R&D and Industry Alliance, pointed out that the government’s determination to save energy and reduce emissions and cultivate strategic emerging industries is significant. “Semiconductor lighting industry as one of the strategic emerging industries will continue to grow rapidly.” Industry experts predict that if the luminous efficacy of LED lamps reaches 120 lm/W in 2015 and the LED lighting market share reaches more than 20%, the annual savings will be achieved. Electricity consumption is 100 billion kWh, equivalent to a 30% reduction in new power plants.

Various signs show that reducing carbon emissions has become one of the important goals of China's "Twelfth Five-year Plan" development. It is expected that the market space for energy-saving and environmental protection-related industries will become broader.

According to the plan, China's per unit GDP carbon dioxide emissions by 2020 will be 40%-45% lower than in 2005. In order to achieve this goal, the National Development and Reform Commission has identified five provinces and eight cities as pilots for low-carbon provinces and low-carbon cities, and called for “accelerating the establishment of an industrial system characterized by low-carbon emissions in the pilot areas, and fostering strategies such as energy conservation, environmental protection, and new energy. Sex and emerging industries."

The market space for sewage treatment and solid waste disposal also opened up at the same time. Guohai Securities pointed out in its research report that during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, the scale of investment in the solid waste treatment industry will reach 800 billion yuan, which is more than four times the amount invested during the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period. Before 2020, the compound annual growth rate of investment in solid waste will exceed 18%.

"At the end of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, the output value of the environmental protection industry will reach more than 2 trillion yuan. By 2020, the environmental protection industry will become the pillar industry of China's national economy." Deputy Director of the Population Resources and Environment Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the China Environmental Science Society Wang Yuqing said that.

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