Smart TV Big Screen Watch 2016 Rio Olympic Games TV Software Recommended

In the early morning of August 10th, Beijing time, the Chinese Army rushed gold while shooting, weightlifting, and diving. In the women's weightlifting 63kg competition, Deng Wei won the sixth gold medal. Women's double 10-meter race, Chen Ruolin/Liu Zheng wins the 7th gold. The men's weightlifting 69kg final, Shi Zhiyong won the eighth gold. At present, China embraces 8 gold, 3 silver and 6 copper.

How should such a wonderful Olympic event watch live television? The following sofa butler Xiao Bian will recommend several relatively easy-to-use TV broadcast software.

The live broadcast of the Olympic Games software Wei Wei:
Wei Wei Live is a fully converged live broadcast software, including National TV Live Channel (HD), CCTV, local channels of various provinces and cities, Chaoshan dialect TV channel, South Fujian language TV channel, sports live broadcast, and many sets of 24-hour wonderful film and television broadcast channels. More than 1400 Chinese-language TV live channels, all for free viewing.

Run on smart TV set-top boxes or smart TVs, simple operation, set live, look back, appointments, a week program in one, inheriting the traditional up and down keys change Taiwan, the elderly easy to use, without any learning, download can get started. With industry-leading channel collection, hidden, WIFI source, alphabet index selection station, voice station selection and other functions.

During the use process, Xiao Bian found that there was no video-additional advertisement and the picture quality was clear and fluid. As long as the home network was guaranteed to be smooth, there was no problem in watching the live broadcast of the Olympic Games.
Live broadcast software for the Olympic Games:
Live Dog is a free webcast video aggregation software designed to provide a wide range of audiophiles and enthusiasts with a convenient online live viewing channel. Completely free of charge, the TV station synchronizes HD live broadcasts, covering most CCTV and Guardian video channels, genuine source-to-never lines; local TV stations, Internet live channels, etc., only you can not think of, you can not see; program source shared by thousands of friends, Provide a stable and reliable program source at any time.

The direct broadcast of the Olympics live broadcast software - Sports broadcast:
Live Dili provided the majority of fans with live events such as the Olympic Games, NBA, Super League, Premier League, La Liga, AFC, Champions League, Bundesliga, Serie A, Euro Cup and Americas Cup. Live DJ offers multiple live sources, different explanations, highlights and the audience for your choice. At the same time to provide CCTV5, wide body, five-star, North and other sports stations live broadcast.

Tencent video TV version of the Olympics live broadcast software:
Tencent Video TV Edition is a genuine TV-side application for Tencent video content licensing. It provides users with rich and genuine content, high-definition and smooth experience, and personalized personalized services. Based on the content enrichment, homepage interface, member services, etc. Massive and exciting film and television content, from the film and television drama, variety shows, news, animation, sports and other popular content, to concerts, documentaries, life, games and other dozens of sub-categories.

Cloud Aurora does not have a TV broadcast feature, but it does have a variety of wonderfully edited versions for the audience. It is ideal for audiences who “have no time to watch live broadcasts, but want to know the highlights of the game”. Members can avoid advertisements.

Live TV Recommended TV Essentials:
TV is a must-have for you to select the smart TV/TV box essential application. Includes live TV applications such as TRT video, rabbit video, Youku, Tudou, Sohu, PPTV, iQiyi, etc. (We will update the available version for the first time. In case of failure, please uninstall and re-install it. In the "TV Mandatory" can be downloaded); and adapt to remote control of plant vs. zombies, fishing Daren, landlords and other TV version of the game, as well as a key to clean TV, QQ music, UC browser and other super practical TV version application. Simple operation, one-click download, and support for some models can be automatically installed. It is a must-have partner for smart TVs and TV boxes!

The video of the Olympic Games live video cat: I believe that the live broadcast software is the TV cat, TV cat video is a professional live video application, only for the family and can be installed on the smart TV or smart box; Provide millions of home users with massive on-demand video gathering of major Internet video sites, as well as CCTV/TV/local station live channels and 7×24 hours to look back.

The TV cat video also added a sports Olympics channel, which not only shows the schedule of the day, but also supports watching back and on demand. Even missed matches don't have to worry! Of course, TV cats also have no advertising, and their picture quality is also very clear.

The live broadcast software of the Olympic Games PPTV gathers sports:
PPTV Poly Sports is a professional sports video app. During the Rio Olympic Games, PPTV Poly Sports will play in the Olympic Games. There are not only competition news broadcasts, but also behind-the-scenes interviews of the competition, including collections of exciting sports events. There is no advertisement interruption at any point. The disadvantage is that you cannot watch the live broadcast of the game. PPTV honors the production of big screen sports APK - Poly sports hit. Poly Sports brings together over 300 copyright resources for PPTV, and enjoys exclusive PPTV exclusive La Liga, WWE, UFC, UEFA Champions League and other high-quality events. Live shows, highlights, and highlights are all available. All kinds of high-quality event resources are available, and you can enjoy large-screen live events. The ultimate experience.

CCTV News of Olympic Games Live Broadcasting Software:
CCTV News Smart TV Edition is a news and information client. The interface is sleek and simple and easy to operate. It provides CCTV-13 high-definition live channels and CCTV-13 channel-related subscriptions and video on demand. Has a large number of news and information browsing capabilities, information classification includes: news, current affairs, military, etc.; live broadcast function supports appointment and review, column subscription, video collection and other functions. The TV version of CCTV News contains all the news sections of CCTV, and is suitable for users who like to watch news programs. During the period of August, the Rio Olympic Games became the focus of national attention, so news is mostly about the Rio Olympic Games. No ads, no delay, clear picture quality, smooth playback.

Summary: The above is the sofa manager Xiaobian brought "smart TV watch 2016 Rio Olympic Games necessary TV software! ” All the video software mentioned in the article can be downloaded via the sofa butler!

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