Ceramic enterprise terminal display design and lighting design

When we discuss ceramic terminal display and lighting design, we must first understand the big consumer environment of today's society. Only by doing a rational analysis on this, can we solve the problem and find a solution to the problem.

First, the analysis of consumer psychology (purchasing behavior psychology). At present, new consumer concepts and styles have gradually formed. Today's consumers are more inclined to information investment and from mass consumers to individual consumers, and more to pursue personalized services. In this case, the company must take a positive response, the store is the place to deal with the relationship, and find ways to create opportunities for customers to visit rather than waiting for customers to come to the door.

Second, the reason for the purchase behavior. Analysis from a psychological perspective: generally depends on the positioning of the self in society. For example, modern fashion young people are willing to go to IKEA to buy household items, while some successful people who admire Europe and the United States like European classical furniture; sometimes in order to pursue entertainment, or to get rid of the custom, to reflect their creativity, they will also buy strange and chic. The product; or the reward for self after obtaining some kind of satisfaction and success; even the attraction of the terminal store will also generate purchase behavior. Therefore, there are two points worthy of our attention: First, most purchase decisions are made directly at the point of sale. Second, the way of self-service is on the rise. Today, it is the products themselves, their location, the equipment in which they are placed, the space in which they are displayed, the possibility of touching them and watching them nearby, and the propaganda of the self attracts the attention of potential customers.

Third, analyze from a sociological perspective. It can socialize people who don’t know, let themselves feel part of a group, and thus confirm their own social roles. Terminal stores can also serve as a place for communication.

Fourth, from the impulse and condition analysis of the purchase behavior. Impulsiveness and conditions represent ways in which consumers express their choices at the terminal store.

Therefore, all of our behavior in the display space is to carefully create sensory stimulation, deepen the memory of consumers, and achieve the final sale. Next, we will talk about how to enhance the aesthetics of space design from the aspect of display. Everyone knows that display space is an important element of sales.