WikiLeaks creators are willing to be hired by Google to dismiss “anti-diversity” employees

[Global Science and Technology Report] According to the report of the “New York Times” of the United States on August 8, it was not long before Google’s senior software engineer James Domor was dismissed by the company for spreading gender discrimination statements in the “Declaration of Anti-Diversity” internally. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange threw an olive branch to it.

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According to reports, Assange expressed willingness to provide this engineer with a job. This also underscores the disagreement among the American scientific and technological community on this gender discrimination. Although Domor's remarks were almost unanimously refuted by Google employees, some people also expressed support for his remarks. Among all Google employees, women accounted for only 31%.

A memorandum by Domor was exposed by the media on the 7th. He believes that Google’s internal diversification strategy has become a virus in corporate documents. Any diversified planning aimed at increasing the number of female employees and the level of jobs is It is a waste of time, because women are not very suitable for technical work, and men are better at this. The difference in the ability of women and men is due to biological reasons. The difference is that the number of female employees in technical positions is small. s reason.

This sexist speech gave him trouble. According to the US “Commercial Insider” website on August 7, Domor was dismissed on August 7. Before his news of being fired, Google CEO Sandal Pichai issued a memorandum in which he pointed out that part of the declaration violated the company's code of conduct.

Pichchai wrote that “only because of the physical characteristics, it is not possible to judge that some of my colleagues are incapable of offending someone’s work.” (Practice compilation: Wang Feng reviewer: Tan Liya)